Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Opening the Promised Land Trail ~ Nashville Train Station.

Along the first road into Tennessee, the Avery Trace, as well the historic Walton Road that ran parallel to Highway 70, many believed they would reach a "promised land" at the end of their journey. One of those pioneers was future President Andrew Jackson.
Pictured above: Commissioner of The Tennessee Department of Tourist Development, Susan Whitaker, and me at the opening of the Promised Land Trail at Nashville Train Station Oct 11, 2011.  Trails of Tennessee, the song I wrote for this initiative with " It's a slice of heaven in the Promised Land"  a line in the second verse, was inspired by the 514 miles of the historic Promised Land Trail.

Jody Sliger, head of Marketing and Tourism for The White County Chamber of Commerce as we de-boarded the train in Watertown, Tennessee...along the Promised Land Trail. What an honor it was to be invited to share my song at this gala!

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